
Check-In Reception Desk Hours:
          11th August
 The check-in reception desk will be open from 10:00 AM at the Ground Floor of the Longemont Shanghai.

         12th August (DAY 1)
 For those arriving during the conference days, the check-in desk will be open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

          13th and 14th August (DAY 2 and DAY 3)
The check-in desk will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM.

Upon Check-In:
Collect your SET2024 Delegate Pack and Badge.
Drop off your self-printed poster at the reception desk if you have one.

Check-in instrucions

Check-In Reception Desk Hours:
          11th August
 The check-in reception desk will be open from 10:00 AM at the Ground Floor of the Longemont Shanghai.

         12th August (DAY 1)
 For those arriving during the conference days, the check-in desk will be open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM.

          13th and 14th August (DAY 2 and DAY 3)
The check-in desk will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM.

Upon Check-In:
Collect your SET2024 Delegate Pack and Badge.
Drop off your self-printed poster at the reception desk if you have one.


Session Abstracts

Click on the sessions below to download the corresponding book of abstracts (PDF)